iZotope Ozone 11 Advanced

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: iZotope
Доступность:в наличии
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Обычная цена:
28905 Р
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26414 Р
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-2491 Р
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Metering-Plugin Bundle (Download)
  • Comprehensive mastering suite with a wide range of editing options
  • Master Assistant with AI-supported matching technology for sound, dynamics and stereo width as well as Vocal Checker for matching vocals in the mix
  • Configures the mastering chain by matching it to a reference from Ozone's presets of chart hits, an audio file loaded as reference or iZotope Audiolens generated user targets
  • Assistant View allows precise adjustment of the matching portion, while Detail View provides full control and access to modules and parameters
  • All processing modules available individually as component plug-ins
  • Clarity module adaptively optimises the spectral energy of the mix for improved perception without sounding sharp
  • Stem Focus enables the use of effect modules on an isolated stem to process vocals, drums, bass or instruments separately
  • Stabiliser module dynamically adjusts the mix with an intelligent, adaptive mastering EQ and can remove sharpness from the signal
  • Master Rebalance module for real-time level control of vocals, bass or drums
  • Transient / Sustain mode for various modules such as EQ, exciter etc. enables individual processing of time components analogue to M/S mode
  • Upward Compressor in the Maximiser module transparently increases the level of quiet passages while preserving the transients
  • Impact module with four frequency bands to control the microdynamics with intuitive option to add punch or glue
  • Magnify Soft Clip in the maximiser to boost loudness while maintaining high fidelity in combination with various IRC peak limiter algorithms
  • Recover Sides mode in the imager retains spatial information in the mono sound width to maintain depth and assertiveness
  • Low end focus module for contrast adjustments of low frequencies to influence dynamics
  • Target loudness settings for CD or streaming
  • Contains multiband mastering processors such as imager, EQ, dynamic EQ, dynamics, exciter and vintage modules for tape, EQ, limiting and compression
  • Exciter with different saturation modes per band: Warm, Retro, Tape, Tube, Triode or Dual Triode
  • Flexible routing, undo history and scalable user interface
  • Новинки
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  • Акция

Размеры и вес товара

Длина: 5.0000CM
Ширина: 5.0000CM
Высота: 5.0000CM
Вес: 1.0000KG

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